# Custom maid sound pack

All ingame maid sound effects can be customized, you can create a vanilla sound pack to replace the default maid sound pack.

But be wanred: due to the design of vanilla Minecraft, currently it is impossible for a maid to use an sound effect exclusively.

# Description

  • This description applies to Touhou Little Maid mod version 1.0.4 and above;
  • Adding sound effects for maids requires some understanding of vanilla resource pack structure;
  • Need to have basic understanding of JSON format;
  • Need some basic understanding of audio frequency format conversion and editing software (such as FormatFactory or Audition)

# Creation method

  1. Record various dialogue sound effect, audio frequency needs to be converted to ogg format.
  2. Follow the rules below to create a resource pack folder.
Resource pack structure  (No naming restriction, best to name it in English)
├─pack.mcmeta  (Description files for vanilla resource pack, fixed name and location)
└─assets (Fixed name and location for resource folder, under one resource folder you can have multiple resource domain folders)
    ├─my_sound_pack (Resource domain, no naming restriction, just keep it as lowercase and use underscores)
    │    ├─sounds (Sound folder, place your various sound effects here)
    │    │     ├─idle01.ogg
    │    │     └─food01.ogg
    │    │
    │    └─maid_sound.json (Sound resource pack's description file)
    └─touhou_little_maid (Must be using this name)
        └─sounds.json (Sound description file)
  1. Follow the following rules to write sounds.json file, here we are using vanilla's sound resource pack system, so you can reference Minecraft wiki for the script. We are showing parts of it as an example:
    // maid.mode.attack Fixed name, just need to mention what sound effect it is
    // Here put all of the usable sound effect name
    "maid.mode.attack": {
        // Sound effect type, usually it does not require changing
        "category": "neutral",
        // The displayed subtitle when playing the sound effect, usually it does not require changing
        "subtitle": "subtitle.touhou_little_maid.maid.mode.attack",
        // Whether to replace the previous sound effect
        // If it is false, then if there is a loaded resource pack, all the sounds will be played randomly
        "replace": true,
        // Sound files location
        // In this example many sound effects are listed, in reality one of them will be chosen to be played randomly
        "sounds": [
          // Here the path description is a bit unique
          // For example, the file location below is my_sound_pack > sounds > maid > attack1.ogg
  1. Follow the example below to write script for maid_sound.json file:
  // Sound resource pack name
  "pack_name": "Self-made Sound Resource Pack",
  // Sound resource pack author
  "author": ["baka943"],
  // Sound resource pack description
  "description": "Random sound resource pack made for fun",
  // Sound resource pack version
  "version": "1.0.0",
  // Sound resource pack creation date
  "date": "2020-03-24",
  // Sound resource pack external link, blank means no links
  "url": ""

# Current possible sound type addition

Sound effect name Description
maid.mode.idle Sound effect of maid when idle, maid will be doing nothing
maid.mode.attack Maid in close combat mode, maid will be closing in on aggressive mobs to attack
maid.mode.range_attack Maid in bow attack mode
maid.mode.danmaku_attack Maid is using danmaku to attack aggressive mobs
maid.mode.farm Sound effect of maid farming
maid.mode.feed Sound effect of maid feeding players
maid.mode.shears Sound effect of maid shearing
maid.mode.milk Sound effect of maid milking cows
maid.mode.torch Sound effect of maid placing torches
maid.mode.feed_animal Sound effect of maid breeding mobs
maid.ai.find_target Sound effect triggering when maid in combat mode found a target
maid.ai.hurt Sound effect when maid getting hurt
maid.ai.hurt_fire Sound effect when maid getting burned
maid.ai.hurt_player Sound effect of maid being hurt by players
maid.ai.tamed Sound effect of maid when being tamed by players (only once)
maid.ai.item_get Sound effect of maid when picking up items
maid.ai.death Sound effect of maid before death (only once)
maid.environment.hot Sound effect of maid make when in warmer biome
maid.environment.cold Sound effect of maid makewhen in colder biome
maid.environment.rain Sound effect maid made when it is raining
maid.environment.snow Sound effect maid made when it is snowing
maid.environment.morning Sound effect maid made when it is morning
maid.environment.night Sound effect maid made when it is evening
other.credit Notification in the sound source interface

# Sound dialogue reference table

Just for reference, you can replace it with whichever dialogue that fits the situation.

Sound name Introduction Note Reference dialogue
Idle Sound effect of maid when idle, maid will be doing nothing You can use various simple onomatopoeia, such as sighing, simple tagline or internet memes. Aha Hmmm Eh? I'm so bored My master Huh? Yoho Hehe
Attack Maid in close combat mode, maid will be closing in on aggressive mobs to attack Some mighty, majestic attacking sound effects? Take this Die!
Ranged attack Maid in bow attack mode Some mighty, majestic attacking sound effects? Aim Fire
Danmaku attack Maid is using danmaku to attack aggressive mobs Some mighty, majestic attacking sound effects? Dream sealed Taste my danmaku biu~biu~
Farm Sound effect of maid farming Farm time I'm so hardworking Grow my pretties Time to farm!
Feed Sound effect of maid feeding players Here, eat Is it good? Are you hungry? Have some more Don't be picky So yummy!
Shear Sound effect of maid shearing Don't be scared sheepie Don't run sheepie Wool! Hehe So fluffy Snip
Gain milk Sound effect of maid milking cows Don't be scared moomoo Don't run moomoo
Torch Sound effect of maid placing torches So dark There shall be light! One torch, two torch
Breed mobs Sound effect of maid breeding mobs Little baby
Found target Sound effect triggering when maid in combat mode found a target Some imminent sound effect? Enemy found Danger! You can't hide I see you
Hurt Sound effect when maid getting hurt Complaining style? Itetete Ouch It's so painful Nuuu
Burn damage Sound effect when maid getting burned Hot hot I'm burning Quick, put it out!
Player damage Sound effect of maid being hurt by players Stop hitting me~ Why are you hitting me~
Tamed Sound effect of maid when being tamed by players (only once) Nice meeting you, my master Are you my master? Welcome home, master
Pick up item Sound effect of maid when picking up items I found treasure Good stuff Pick up the trash Pick them all up
Death Sound effect of maid before death (only once) Ah, I'm dead Goodbye master
Hot Sound effect of maid make when in warmer biome So~hot~ So hot Where's this, Afrika? I'm melting
Cold Sound effect of maid makewhen in colder biome A chu~ Mmm, I have a cold So cold I'm freezing
Rain Sound effect maid made when it is raining It's rain It's raining Ame ame ame
Snow Sound effect maid made when it is snowing It's snowing Look, it's snow Hehe, snow
Day Sound effect maid made when it is morning Good morning Morning Today's weather is pretty good huh? Early bird gets the worm
Night Sound effect maid made when it is evening Good evening It's getting dark Go to bed early Sleeping early is good for your body
Source sound effect Notification in the sound source interface This sound effect can be longer This sound effect is recorded and produced by xxx